
Fundraisers are often thrown to help support a specific cause. Whether it’s done for a group, a charity, to raise awareness, or an individual, fundraisers are a fantastic way to promote the wellbeing of something you’re passionate about. Fundraisers need to be organized to make a profit that is donated to your particular cause.
Charity Events
We help organize charity events that draw in large numbers of guests to donate to a cause you’re promoting. These can often be done for a private cause or for the charity itself. With the charity’s permission for branding, we often create fundraising events using the branding of the company to help engage a larger range of potential donors.
School Fundraisers
Looking for a way to raise more money for your kid’s school? We help organize school fundraisers in interactive ways that get the surrounding community involved. We often find that parents and neighbors are the best donors for school fundraisers, and the need to improve schools is a cause that most can get behind. We encourage local businesses to donate or sponsor their services to the cause, which also helps promote their services in return. School fundraisers can be help in the quarters of the school or in larger spaces that allow for a wider range of guests. We do our best to incorporate the needs of the school and the school’s spirit into the fundraiser itself, so donors know exactly where their donations are going.
Galas, or formal celebration dinners, are another form of popular fundraiser that encourages attendees to dress their best and attend an upscale event. At galas, we’re able to add an extra layer of exclusivity to the event, while promoting the cause or fundraiser at hand. Due to the high profile of the event and its expected attendees, you can usually anticipate a larger number of donations. Because of this, it is important that the gala meets the standard of the guests attending it. We build our galas to be formal, elegant, and to have guests enjoy a romantic evening for a cause.
Auctions can be organized in two forms, traditional auctions or silent auctions. The idea of an auction is to allow for volunteers to donate items or baskets and have guests bid on the materials, with the winning bid going to charity. Auctions can be both exciting and competitive, making them ideal for those that want an engaging event for fundraising. We find that auctions work best with active volunteers that are eager to be involved in the fundraising project itself, as it usually requires the donation and help of sponsors. We can help in finding you sponsors or enlisting companies and businesses to offer their sponsorship for the cause. From start to finish, we implement best practices for auction events including price ranges, expected donation amounts, and bidding overviews. Our monitoring of these tasks ensures that the money raised is distributed accordingly and that clients receive their auctioned items.

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